Wednesday, 24 October 2012

eResources Update

There are a number of subjects and courses out there on the Digital Humanities, including at the ANU Digital Humanities Hub.
Here is another one: "This year-long course examines the relationships among academic history, digital media, and community formation"

Tim Sherratt is the author of Query Pic and other Digital ToolsHere are the slides of a talk he gave at the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Arts eResearch Forum:

"Basically I was arguing that as well as making stuff, digital humanities can involve a lot of stretching, twisting, pushing and breaking stuff. The web is not fixed or static, there are many points at which we can intervene and change the way information is presented. What we need is confidence to pull things apart, and the ability to critically examine why things work the way they do (or don’t). And imagine alternatives."

Here is a call for papers for the annual international conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, which includes the Association for Computers in the Humanities, the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, the Society for Digital Humanities/Société pour l’étude des médias interactifs, and centerNet.

Here is a link to the keynote talk Bethany Nowviski gave last month, at the second annual conference of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities. I her Bio, Bethany is Director of Digital Research & Scholarship at the University of Virginia Library, Associate Director of the Scholarly Communication Institute, and President of the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH). She has  recently directed two projects funded by the NEH, IMLS, and Library of Congress: theInstitute for Enabling Geospatial Scholarship and Neatline: Facilitating Geospatial and Temporal Interpretation of Archival Collections.

The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media have Digital History Research Awards for students entering the History and Art History doctoral program. The deadline for applications is January 15, 2013.

Here is a link for the 2012 National Library of Australia Forum. It includes talks by:

  • Marie-Louise Ayres, Assistant Director-General, Resource Sharing, National Library of Australia
  • Debbie Campbell, Director of Collaborative Services, National Library of Australia
  • Merrilee ProffittSenior Program Office, OCLC Research
  • Judy StokkerDirector, Library Services, Queensland University of Technology
  • Laurel Paton and Ms Joanna MeakinsLibraries Australia Search Project, National Library of Australia
  • Rob WallsDirector of Database Services, National Library of Australia
  • Bill Macnaught, National Librarian, National Library of New Zealand 

Here and here are a couple of posts on the difficultiues of finding work in the field of Digital Humanities.

Here are some sources on eGovernment in Victoira. Here is the Blog for the FederalGovernment 2.0 Taskforce. Here is the site for the upcoming Gov 2.0 Conference: Delivering a More Open, Transparent and Consultative Form of Government.

The ARC is interested in opportunities in crowdfunding for cultural and creative projects.

The Australian Society of Archivists and the Recordkeeping Roundtable are hosting an upcoming workshop on "Reinventing Archival Methods".

The National Archives of Australia has a series of Research Guides.

Finally- here is one link on the e-publishing revolution.

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